Attendance Letter
Dear Parents,
We want to take a moment to thank you for your continued support in ensuring your child's education remains a top priority. We would like to remind you of the importance of regular school attendance.
All students have a minimum attendance target of 96%+ and we would like to congratulate all parents who do ensure their children get to school each day and on time. We now need to work together to excel even further by exceeding our target of 96%.
We think it is very important that all our pupils benefit from 190 days of learning to ensure they make progress and achieve the results they should. If a school can improve its attendance by 1%, this can result in a 5-6% improvement in attainment.
Here are some of the ways in which you can help our school achieve excellent attendance:
- Aim for your child to have 100% attendance.
- Ensure requests are made before bookings are confirmed in advance, even if you feel you have exceptional circumstances for your child to be absent during term time, permission may not be given and the Head Teacher’s decision is final. Forms are available in the school office.
- We expect pupils to arrive at school on time. Late arrivals disrupt the education of others and your child. Pupils should be in the line at 8.55am ready to be collected by their teacher. If your child is not in the line they must be registered as late by parents in the school foyer.
- We do not expect pupils to come to school when they are sick, but parents of children with regular sickness absence will be expected to provide us with medical evidence before we authorise further absences; please email
- Please avoid medical and dental appointments during school time;
- If you or your child are having difficulties and these impact on attendance, please make an appointment with Miss Richter in the school office to discuss additional support.