Personal Social and Health Education
At Oakington Manor Primary school, PSHE is taught through the school curriculum and wider school context which helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe in the real and online worlds, and be a productive and responsible member of a modern British society. Children are taught about British values including their Rights and Responsibilities; they learn attributes which will equip them to become happy, confident, positive and healthy human beings. Relationships Education teaches children the qualities that are needed to maintain positive and supportive friendships and healthy relationships in later life.
Curriculum Implementation:
PSHE is taught weekly through an agreed scheme of work that is appropriate to the diverse needs and ages of the children. We utilise the first-hand experiences and talents of our staff in teaching PSHE and every staff member has the responsibility to be a positive role model for the children.
- PSHE is also taught through planned Circle Time sessions that reflect the concerns of the children or current affairs.
- The school’s Learning Attributes are referenced in daily lessons where relevant and reinforced through weekly Year Group assemblies and Sharing Assembly where certificates are awarded.
- Children have the opportunities to voice their concerns via posting in the “Worry Box” or to commend one of their peers via the “Praise Box”. The school’s G.R.E.A.T. values and “RU Ok?” initiative raise awareness of children’s own mental health and promote a healthy mental well-being.
- Children are given the daily opportunity of a moment of calm and self-reflection during collective assemblies.
- Bike It! Week, the Daily Mile and our Healthy School Policy encourage children to become more fit, active and healthy.
- Weekly school assemblies afford the children opportunities to become confident speakers, actors and performers.
- Through special assemblies and educational visits, children gain the knowledge about other countries, cultures and religions. They learn about essential British Values such as Respect and Tolerance during Black History Month, about the value of Democracy during Remembrance Day and about their Rights and Responsibilities during Unicef Week and via special charity fund-raising events.
- Children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing an important role in school life, such as the elected School Councillors and Eco-Warriors.
- Children can visit the on-site school nurse if they are hurt or feeling unwell and can talk to someone at Place2B if they are worried or feeling unhappy.
- Children can be chosen by their teachers to attend Forest School, Lego Therapy or Harmony Group where they can gain team-building skills, improve their communication skills and boost their confidence.
- Children learn about cyber-bullying and how to stay safe online through weekly IT lessons and the Oakington Safety Week.
- Visits from the Fire Service and Metropolitan Police Force are utilised to teach children about people we can trust, potential dangers in society and how to stay safe from harm.
- Anti-bullying Week, our School Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and our Playground Leaders work to create a school environment where everyone is treated with kindness and respect and all children feel safe and happy.
- The teaching of the NSPCC’s P.A.N.T.S. acronym teaches about children’s rights and ownership of their own body.
- Through our Safety Week, Internet Safety day, our specialist visitors and our Learning Attribute of Morality, the children are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed choices.
- Relationship Education teaches children how to recognize the good qualities in friendships and relationships later in life.
Curriculum Impact
Through the programme of study and many other cross-curricular opportunities to teach PSHE, our children should reach a secure understanding of the following concepts.
- Identity and self-worth – children can identify their merits and are proud in their achievements.
- Family and relationships- children can say what is positive and healthy about their friendships and relationships within their family.
- A healthy, balanced lifestyle including mental well-being – children can recall the G.R.E.A.T. steps and “RU Ok?”strategies to mental well-being.
- Risk and Safety- children can remember the PANTS acronym, online safety rules for keeping themselves safe.
- Diversity and Equality- children are respectful and kind to others; there are fewer incidents recorded in the Cares and Concerns book and ABC sheets.
- Personal Rights and Responsibilities – pupils can express their opinions clearly in class and assemblies; they are thoughtful and charitable.
- They learn about British Values and the attribute of morality and know what is right and wrong.
- Change and Resilience – children know what strategies to use if they feel they are being bullied or feel unsafe or unhappy.
- Aspirations and Careers- pupils can verbalise their future goals and ambitions.