Environmental Science
At Oakington Manor Primary School, our delivery of Environmental Science provides children the foundation in understanding the world around them. The Environmental Science curriculum works in tandem with our Science provision in developing our children’s Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding. Environmental Science ensures that all pupils develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions in different contexts. It instils in our pupils a wonder and a curiosity about the natural world through a ‘hands- on’ approach. It allows for the organisation of practical activities and investigations outside the classroom enabling our children to present their finding in a variety of ways - developing their presentation skills. Units on ‘Plants, ‘Animals’, ‘Living things and their habitats’ and ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ are all sections within our school’s curriculum that links to Environmental Science and lends itself to practical investigations. ‘Materials’ has links to waste and recycling, and ‘Electricity’ is used to teach our pupils about saving energy.
Our school’s woodland is a key component in the delivery of Environmental Science. This valuable resource not only develops our children’s knowledge about eco-systems but also provides an opportunity for developing the whole child by instilling our School’s Learning attributes of Adaptability, Communication, Cooperation, Enquiry, Morality, Respect, Resilience, and Thoughtfulness.
Curriculum Implementation:
- Use Environmental Science schemes of work that are aligned with the aims and outcomes of the National Curriculum.
- Year groups use the woodlands for the teaching of Environmental Science giving children a real-life context to apply their Knowledge. Skills and Understanding.
- Participate in Earth week celebrations.
- Elect Eco-warriors for each year group who will be environmental champions ensuring that the school in being environmentally friendly.
- Use cross curricular links- especially within maths and writing – to increase visibility of Environmental Science within the curriculum.
- Be part of Green School to ensure that the school protects the environment and prepares the next generation of environmental leaders.
- Create a DB Primary blog for children to promote children’s voice about environmental issues and the environmental literacy.
Curriculum Impact:
- Children can explain what they Know, Understand and can Do as a result of learning about Environmental Science.
- Pupils use relevant vocabulary to discuss the environment around them with confidence.
- Scientific investigations allow pupils to demonstrate their understanding of the world.
- Forest school develops pupils’ social interaction skills which is then transferred into the classroom.
- Eco-warriors know how environmentally friendly their classroom is (recycling bin being used properly, lights off when not in use, no taps running) and can discuss its importance with their peers.
- Being part of Eco school empowers pupils, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and also creates financial savings for schools and engages the local wider community.