Music is an integral part of Oakington Manor Primary School and we provide a high-quality musical education to all our pupils. Our teaching of Music enables our children to relate and interact with their environment. It has a long established extensive provision under the direction of a specialist teacher and with the support of peripatetic specialists, develop our pupils’ Knowledge, Skills and Understanding of this subject.
Singing and Brass are particular strengths in our school which are showcased through local competitions, recitals, showcase musicals assemblies and other events building their self-confidence and sense of achievement.
We ensure that every child has an opportunity to learn an instrument by providing free brass tuition to all children in Year 3. We have a commitment to finding and nurturing talent here at Oakington Manor.
Children also benefit from borough and national music partnerships. Through music, our children undertake an enriching journey through many cultures, languages and genres thus building a wider understanding of music.
Music teaching allows children’s ideas and imagination to be scaffolded to empower their use of music as a means of communication and expression.
We empower our pupils by equipping them with the rudiments and key skills to consolidate a deeper knowledge, understanding and appreciation of music for the next step in their journey through life.
At Oakington, we plan to ensure all children can access the music curriculum, as we believe that each child can offer and receive value from music in each lesson. This is ensured through the following principles of planning:
- A fluent foundation
We believe that the developmental success in music is underpinned by a secure and fluent knowledge of theoretical and practical procedures. These allow pupils to increase the efficiency of their music making, thereby freeing up their thinking for deeper theoretical connection-making and greater depth of music making as the demand for more challenging creation and playing and singing of music is called for.
- Focused planning
Our planning revolves around two main areas in music, Theory and Practical, of which, Rhythm, Tempo, Pitch, Dynamics, Timbre, operational techniques, Rehearsal, Recording and Performance are used with instruments and voice to consolidate knowledge and experience. Opportunities to use and show understanding of music vocabulary are planned for. These key elements, along with the school’s ‘approach to teaching’ document, are statutes embedded in planning for a successful music lesson.
- Music Specialist
Oakington Manor Primary School has a music specialist who works in partnership with Brent Music Service, sharing expertise in Borough network meetings. We support our staff through CPDs, shared practice and a range of up-to-date music technology resources as well as training support staff to assist in teaching. We have a National Partnership with a school in the east Midlands where expertise is exchanged and children work and network with other children from the school.
- Further Opportunities
- Children who show talent in music performance are given the opportunity to join borough orchestras, choirs and ensembles
- The school choir perform yearly at Wembley Arena as part of Brent Makes Music
- We apply for children to obtain the London Music Fund and John Lyon Charity scholarships for talented students experiencing hardship
- Children in Year 5 are tutored to take the Music Aptitude Test for our local music specialist secondary school, Claremont High School.
- Pupils enjoy music
- Pupils are more confident to perform instrumental and vocal music
- The quality of Pupil/Whole school performance is evident in performances, and shows
- Pupils are able to identify genres and know the use of appropriate of music
- Pupils use musical terminology and language with increasing confidence and accuracy
- Pupils are fluent in recalling essential facts of musical rudiments.
- Pupils access and are successful in external examinations
- Pupils use their enhanced learning and experience to access Borough orchestra, choir or bands
- Pupils can apply their curriculum learning to private music tuition (Peripatetic or external)
- Past students have gone on to become outstanding musicians, including R’wan winning London Music Fund’s scholar of the month