Absence Form
Over the coming months the school will be monitoring children's attendance and punctuality very closely in a drive to improve our attendance figures. Remember, you have an obligation to ensure that your child attends school daily in order to benefit from the teaching and learning that takes place. Please ensure your children are in school every day and in on time. Children should be in the playground by 8.45am at the very latest.
We must remind you that if you send your child to school with an ailment and you have not informed us, your child must take part in all of the lessons timetabled for that day, (e.g. swimming/PE). If you feel that your child is too ill to partake in any physical activity, a note must be provided explaining the reason why. If your child is too ill to partake in all of the lessons for the day, then we request that you keep your child away from school and contact your GP as a matter of course.
If you know that your child is going to be absent, you are obliged to let the school know as soon as possible. You will need to inform the school directly by either telephoning the school office on the first day of absence, sending an absence note via emailing the school, or by completing the absence form below which will be sent directly to our school office.